Time recognition in the brain

Since somebody asked me to read this blog contents in English, I try now.

Time and human recognition are tightly connected to each other.
Although there are numerous studies investigating time perception or
functions related to time, such as motion perception, auditory perception,
memory etc, no specific loci were found in the brain which specifically
processes time.

So what is time for the neural system? Is it the same as which has
been discussed in physics (i.e. Einstein's Genral Relativity Theory)?
How the brain processes time, and how we got time perception as a
result, such as the sense of past, present, or future?

Note that time is eauivalent among these in physics, but the
recognition of time seems quite different among these.

Here, I discuss how past sense is generated, and how this is
related to the sense of presence (The sense of future is going to be
discussed later)

There are some basic facts known already in scientific literature.

1.Brain is composed of massively hard wired 1.4 billion neurons.

2.Action potential is the basic fundamental of its activity.

3. When getting together, the current of electric waves, called
local field potential (LFP) is going to be generated.

4. It seems the timing and synchronicity of LFP conveys information
(details still unknown)

5. The frequency ranges from 0.1Hz to 100Hz, pretty much limited bandwidth.

6. Another way of communicating signal is by means of blood and hormones
with the temporal order of seconds.

7. Different functions across cortices communicate to integrate new type
of information, say across vision and audition, etc.

8. There are a function so called working memory, whose temporal bandwidth
is 3 to 5Hz.

Let s consider these factors to construct new theory of time.

(to be continued)